Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The In-Between Times and Ruminating

Between Christmas and New Years

Hello friends! These are the in-between times, that time between Christmas and New Years when I'm looking around the room at the unwrapped gifts and decorations still to be put away and thinking about the New Year yet to come. It seems to take too much effort right now to dive into switching house decor from Christmas to Winter. I'm really just in the mood to sit and ruminate a bit. Do you ever do that? Think about life and what has happened over the last year and wonder about the new year yet to come? I thought I would share a little bit of my ruminating with you. Perhaps you can identify with some of my musings.

  • My thoughts are with family members near and far. It was a joy to talk on the phone and Skype with those we love and miss on Christmas Day. Special thoughts and prayers are with a family member who faces yet another cancer surgery this Friday. Prayers are certainly appreciated for "L" this Friday.
  • I usually have settled on my new one perfect word by this time, but this year is different. I seem to have settled on not just one word but four words for 2018! I've always had difficulty narrowing it down to one, but usually have been able to do so. Or, at least I would go with a couple. But, not this year. I wonder what Thankful, Music, Commitment and Risk will mean to me in the New Year?!
  • I read a great article by a fellow blogger yesterday who talked about all of the link up parties she participates in during a week-well over 100! She graciously listed many of these parties. Do I want to take the time and energy to try to promote my blog THAT much? I already spend what I consider oodles of time on the computer, anyway. How is my time best spent?
  • And thinking of my blog.....I've been back and forth so many times over the past year debating changing platforms. But, for now, I'm sticking with Blogger. It's been good to me and I'll be good to it. There have been problems where people tell me they can't leave comments for some reason. I don't understand this and have no idea how to fix it. Any ideas out there in blog land??
  • I'm loving the new Magical Cat Series book I got for Christmas. You know there will be a future blog post about this book! 
  • And speaking of books, how wonderful was it that I got to meet two authors live in 2017?! But, sadly, I will never get to meet one of my all time favorite authors in real life--Dora Saint, AKA Miss Read. Her books never cease to give me joy and comfort when I read them. They are like old friends who I have not spoken to in awhile and yet when we talk it is like we were never apart. That's what I want to do for others when I write; provide them with joy and comfort and an "old friend" to visit with for awhile. Thank you dear, dear, Miss Read!
  • And along this same line of rumination....I've given quite a bit of thought to the message I want to get across to others with my blogging. Sort of a mission statement for my blog, if you will. My blog is certainly a little bit of this and that, as the name states. I've even considered changing the name under a new platform. But, you know, the name just fits me and what I do here. When people read my blog I want them to enjoy their time here and leave feeling good. Lifted up in Spirit, hopefully. Remembering that God loves them and is good....all the time....even when not so good things are happening in their lives. I'm fully aware that folks can go to plenty of other blogs and see amazing home decor, tablescapes and fashions that are styled by model looking women. In case you hadn't noticed...I'm not one of those blogs! (It's OK, you can laugh if you want!) But, I also realize that most folks, like me, work with what they have on hand in the cupboards, and shop from their closets and add or replace a few articles of clothing as they can or want to....or can afford to. I have no problem shopping at Goodwill or K-Mart or Walmart for clothing. But, I also appreciate other stores,as well, if I choose to shop there. I guess I figure that what's on our insides counts more than what's on our outsides. So much for my blog mission statement. 
  • I would miss blogging so much if I couldn't do it anymore! 

OK, that's enough ruminating for one post! What are you ruminating about today? Have you put away Christmas decor yet? Still enjoying the lights on the tree? Have you chosen a perfect word (or more) for 2018? Talk to me, friends! 

And remember, my upcoming courses through begin soon. My first course on "Finding Serenity" will begin January 8, lasting for two weeks and my second course "A Daily Dose of Faith, Hope and Love" will be offered February 5-9. This course is based on my very own curriculum, so I'm super excited about that! You can learn more and sign up by visiting and going to the course catalog or you can click on the course info on my blog sidebar! 

Sign up for a subscription to debbiethisandthat and you will never miss a post. Look for the subscription sign up on my sidebar. Follow me on Facebook and Pinterest. I love all of my readers wherever they find me! Have a wonderful day, friends!

Until Next Time,

Linking With:
Not Dressed As Lamb

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I really enjoyed your post, Debbie. You mentioned that you would miss blogging if you couldn't do it anymore. Well, I would miss your blogging too! I look forward to reading each and every post. In your current post, I am most fascinated by your word(s) of the year. I remember your initial post about your word, but it had really slipped my mind. I think I might try choosing a word for the year too. However, I'm interested in seeing where your four words lead you this year.