7 Fashion Essentials Every Woman Should Own
Hello everyone! It's that fun time of the month again when my international blogger's group, "Match Made in Seven," takes a fashion challenge and each of us "interprets" it as we see fit. We each take monthly turns with the challenge which could be a color, something about music, a particular style, etc. This month's theme, or challenge, was chosen by Darlene of aquamarinastyle.com and is "7 Fashion Essentials Every Woman Should Own." In truth, what I'm sharing today might be more in the line of "7 Fashion Items Many Women Enjoy Owning." Are they truly essential? You be the judge! And please be sure to visit each of these beautiful women after you read my post to see how they interpreted this month's challenge! Their links will be at the end of the post.

So, I'll begin by listing the first two "essentials" which don't require a picture and those would be #1 Confidence and #2 Her Own Sense of Style. Each of these women who make up our group exude confidence in their lives and in their fashion. We live in different parts of the world, our daily lives are different and we are different ages. Yet, each of us are strong and confident women who bring all of our life experiences to how we look on a daily basis. I sometimes glance in the mirror at myself and bemoan a wrinkle or some gray hair showing through and then I think to myself; "You know what? I have earned each and every one of these wrinkles and gray hairs and I am darn proud of them!" Each of our group members also bring their own sense of style to these pages. I always love how we take a style challenge and show it so differently. That's our unique style showing through! And isn't that how it should be for all women? How sad our world would be if we were all clones that look the same walking around. God made us all unique in our looks and our styles and we can embrace that beautiful difference!
Now, on to more "essentials." I'm modeling a version of "a little black dress" for essential #3. A black dress is such a staple item and I will show how it can be dressed up or dressed down depending on what style items are added to it. I have several versions of a LBD that I have shared before. This style features long sleeves which is nice for this time of year and it also has pockets which I love! LBD's come in so many styles, lengths, sleeves or sleeveless that it is possible for every woman to find one that fits well and is comfortable. And, if black isn't your favorite color, you will see that you can add pops of your favorite colors quite easily. I'm keeping this look a bit more sedate in the pic with a pearl necklace, pearl earrings and heels.
This particular LBD I ordered from Amazon and the brand is 24Seven Comfort Apparel. Because the top of this dress is more fitted I was careful in choosing essential #4 which is a variety of undergarments for different styles. Now, I won't belabor this point as we all know what undergarments are. However, I will say that I have several choices available depending on what I'm wearing and where I'm going in the outfit. So, the undergarment may vary depending on whether I'm tooling around town running errands or going to a church function. I also consider undershirts (Jockey makes a good brand sold at Target) and thin polyester/spandex tops that don't add bulk for wearing under lower cut tops or a sweater, to be undergarments as well as the usual bras. Making a good choice about undergarments can add to or take away from an outfit's silhouette as well as a woman's comfort while wearing the garment. I cannot stand to feel like I am being squeezed or stuck with hooks or wires while wearing an undergarment anymore. I lived through that in my younger years and Debbie doesn't go there anymore!
So, this brings me to #5, #6 and #7 on my list of "essentials" for this woman, at least, to own. And they are; comfortable shoes in a variety of styles, accessories that "pop" on an outfit and pretty jewelry. In the above pic, I'm showing you my pearl earrings and pearl necklace that, in my opinion, add to the dressier style version of the little black dress. The heels I am wearing in previous pics I've shown you so far are quite comfortable and supportive, but also lend to the dressier style shown here. Now, I'm going to keep wearing the same LBD, but change the whole look with the addition of different shoes, accessories and jewelry. See what you think in these next pics!
Quite a difference, yes? I enjoy finding new and different ways to wear my blue jean jacket and wearing it over my LBD certainly appeals to me and dresses down the style while still keeping the look crisp. A jacket is an accessory in my book. I traded the pearl necklace for a pretty blue infinity scarf and simply took off the pearl earrings. My hair covers my ears most of the time anyway so if I choose not to wear earrings it's fine. Some simple hoops or small posts would work well for this more casual look, also.
The Mr. was shooting these pics for me (and did a fine job I might add!) but he forgot to get a full length pic of me that showed my shoes, so I added in a photo to show you that I was wearing my blue suede shoes (Aerosoles StitchNTurn) with the LBD and blue jean jacket. These shoes are quite comfortable and look great with a variety of dresses, skirts, pants and, as you see here, jeans.
For me, I don't have to wear expensive accessories. As I recall, I picked up this infinity scarf at The Dollar Store and I enjoy wearing it or Paparazzi jewelry as much as more expensive pieces. The same with shoes. If it's pretty and comfortable to wear, I like it and enjoy finding ways to style these accessories, jewelry and shoes with different outfits.
So, those are my 7 Fashion Essentials that I own and use everyday to create my own confident style. What are your essentials? Hope you'll leave a comment and let me know and please head on over, now, to see the other bloggers and how they styled this month's challenge!
Darlene of https://aquamarinastyle.com/
Sonja of https://www.yustsome.nl/
Bettye of https://fashionschlub.com/
Anna of https://www.muttonstyle.com/
Emma of http://www.style-splash.com/
Nancy of https://www.nancysfashionstyle.comUntil Next Time,