Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday Scriptures:The Power of Thinking Positively

The Power of Positive Thinking

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

Today's scripture has much to say about how we need to frame our thinking. It is a solid reminder that thinking on lovely, pure, honorable things is a positive way to keeps our hearts and minds settled. Frankly, thinking this way all the time can be challenging for me. This is not my natural way of thinking. I'm not happy with this, but my personality can quickly look at the glass half empty rather than the glass half full. Over the years of my adulthood, I have worked to be more positive in my thinking and, yes, there has been improvement. I have prayed to be more positive. But, when I am tired, sick, worried or anxious about something, then the glass half empty can quickly take over. 

In today's world there is a lot about which to think negatively. It seems that negativity sells and even the weather reports tend to focus on "killer storms" and "disastrous weather conditions."  It seems like when I was a youngster the weather was simply the weather. It was reported that it was going to rain or snow. The storms weren't given names and the weather reporters weren't focused on everything being a "disaster." It was simply the weather for that day. Of course, at that time, weather wasn't a 24/7 newscast like it is today and the weatherman would stand in front of a map with cardboard suns and clouds that could be moved around. 

My point here is not to knock the weather channel or to deny global warming (which I believe is happening). I'm just using this as one small example of how so many things in our world are presented in a negative and scary light. Add to this all of the other horrible things reported in our world, plus our own personal concerns and problems and you can see that thinking on whatever is honorable, lovely and worthy of praise can be a challenge!

Norman Vincent Peale was a pastor and writer who wrote many books about positive thinking. One of his most popular books was, The Power of Positive Thinking, which, although written in 1952, still has a lot to say about looking at life in a positive way. I have read many of Peale's books, as well as Guidepost Magazine, which Peale and his wife founded, and always find the stories to be inspirational and positive. 

The most powerful reminder of positive thinking comes to me, however, from Jesus himself who tells us in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I pray that today you may feel the peace that Jesus offers and that your glass is half full!


*Waterfall picture taken by Debbie Ross
*This is not a sponsored or affiliate post. All writing/opinions are my own. 


Clearissa said...

Hi Debbie. I loved this article. I have been training myself to speak life to myself and to be kind in my self-talk. It is a learned behavior from a worldly sense, but a God-given right from a spiritual perspective.

Karen said...

I can relate to the glass half empty when stress and exhaustion enter the picture! I have been praying for the ability to rise above circumstances, or at least not to fall immediately into negative thinking when the tough times come. Like you said, it's challenging. God wants us to bring our burdens to Him. We were never intended to do things without Him, or in our own strength, because it just leads to more frustration. Still, being human, it's challenging! It's good to know, however, that God is here to walk beside us during difficulties. Things have been feeling especially difficult with my mom right now, and i told God I can't do this without Him. A few nights ago, without looking this up, I came across an article about cheering up dementia patients. The next day I walked into her apartment wearing a funny nose and glasses, the plastic ones, and she started laughing so hard! It changed the entire mood and the visit went better than any had in a long time. I thank God for bringing that article to my attention at such a crucial time! Your waterfall picture is beautiful Debbie!

Sharon said...

I agree, Debbie, that it is easy to fall into negative thinking when we are part of a 24 hour news cycle. I try to find hopeful and inspiring stories on tv, but sometimes that's hard to do. Thank you for this post which serves as a great reminder to work on seeing the glass as half full.

Debbie Styles Life said...

Thank you Clearissa, Karen and Sharon for reading and commenting on my posts. Blessings to all of you sweet ladies!!