Daily This And That
Hello everyone! Cassie and I are happy to see you! Today's post is a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it. I'm sharing some of my daily life here lately and I was lucky enough to have had some fun times. Hope you enjoy and be sure to let me know in the comments section what you enjoyed most. Cassie is certainly part of my everyday life, as is her fur sister, Garden. So, let's get started with daily life here lately! And be sure to hang in there to the end with this picture heavy post as there will be a fun announcement!
Hmmm...how would you like to have this in your living room?! (The skeleton, I mean, not the Steinway) This is what we saw a couple of weekends ago when we visited the "Parade of Homes" that is typically held in our area every October. Last year it wasn't held at all, of course, due to Covid. This year, some houses were only seen virtually while others were open to the public as long as you wore masks. The Mr. and I always enjoy viewing new homes, not to buy, but to get ideas for renovation and construction. We were pleased to see some beautiful interiors with few people around us and those that were, wearing masks. Obviously the new owners of this house had a sense of humor and wanted to give a nod to Halloween!
You can see the blue of the wallpaper better in this pic. I also like the white half-wall against the wood floor.
This image is of a master bath in one house and it was huge! The sizes of rooms in some of the houses we viewed were amazing! Most of the homes were not lived in yet, but a few were and the owners "staged" the home for lots of folks walking through. I honestly cannot imagine opening up my home for complete strangers to walk through but some folks are OK with that.
We had an absolutely beautiful day for looking at houses and really enjoyed being out and about seeing the sights. Not only were the insides of these houses beautiful but the gardens outside were also beautiful. Not to mention having incredible views of the mountains!
And look what's back this year...the pumpkin patch at our church! It is just wonderful to see the pumpkins on the lawn once more and to interact with the community as they come by to purchase pumpkins.
This sweet lady and I worked the pumpkin patch last Friday which was also the evening of our church's Fall Festival so our church grounds were really hopping!
This Dad and daughter were making a decision about a pumpkin. You'll notice I have covered faces in many photos for confidentiality.
Behind the pumpkin patch the kids were having all sorts of fun creating huge bubbles as part of the Fall Festival.
Isn't this bubble amazing?! BTW, many of today's photos were taken by The Mr. so he gets photo credit.
And look what I found in the pumpkin patch! (wink) This little guy is the new grandson of one of the bell ringers at my church. I was so excited to get to hold him!
And since I'm sharing about church I'll also share Sunday morning's outdoor service. Since Covid, our church has begun having an outdoor service, an indoor service wearing masks and a livestream service for those watching from home. The Mr. and I have really been enjoying the outdoor service. Everyone brings a chair and we enjoy the beautiful outdoors while we worship. Our head pastor is a wonderful guitar player and singer and always shares beautiful music. Last Sunday we went to indoor service as a small bell ensemble was ringing and I directed. We had a young boy ringing with us who is learning how to ring bells. He is an elementary student and I'm so proud that he wants to ring!
The Mr. has been volunteering at "Brother Wolf" which is a rescue animal shelter in our area. We adopted both Cassie and Garden from Brother Wolf. They held a picnic for volunteers on Sunday afternoon at an outdoor park next to the river so we took advantage of taking a little stroll around the park before joining others at this outdoor event.
It was really chilly Sunday and although I was wearing a thick sweater I borrowed a coat from The Mr. and wore it over the sweater.
This is the director with her dog. I enjoyed meeting so many nice people all who love and care about animals. There may be some volunteering in my future with Brother Wolf.
I've been trying to make sure these little feet are walking frequently so I'll share a recent walk with you.
If you follow my blog regularly, you know there are beautiful neighborhoods in which I enjoy taking walks.

On a recent walk, I encountered these spooky fellows! Luckily, I was able to keep my distance so I didn't get too scared!
This neighborhood enjoys decorating for the holidays. I always try to drive through this neighborhood on Christmas Eve when the streets here are lined with beautiful luminaries.
So these are just a few of the fun adventures in my "daily life" here lately. I left out a lot, of course. I figured you wouldn't be interested in seeing my full laundry basket or dirty dishes in the kitchen sink! What's been happening in your daily life here lately? Hope you will leave a comment and let me know!
Now...on to the fun announcement!
I will be hosting a "Meet and Greet" via Zoom for my blog readers on Saturday, October 30th, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. ET. This will be a first for me and I'm hoping it will be a fun event where at least some of us can meet "face to face" and say hello to one another in person! (Or at least as close to in person as Zoom can be!)
Here's what you need to do if you wish to participate in the "Zoom Meet and Greet".
Email me at debbiestyleslife@gmail.com and let me know you are interested in attending. I will also need to know your email address so I can send you an email with the Zoom link by October 30th.
If you are not familiar with Zoom, it is very easy to use. You will, of course, need to use a device with a camera and sound. I will send a link to your email which will be highlighted in blue. On October 30th at 10:00 a.m. ET, you will click on the blue link and wait for me to allow you to enter the "meeting room." Once you are on, you will be able to see me and speak to me and any others who are participating. Depending on the device you are using, you may need to create a Zoom account prior to the "Meet and Greet." A Zoom account is completely free for basic Zooming and requires only your email and a password which you come up with on your own.
I have no idea how many folks will want to do this, but I'm excited for the opportunity to find out and to actually meet and speak with folks who read my blog. We'll see how this works out, OK? If you can't be there, no worries. We will continue to meet up on the blog! I only use the free basic Zoom which allows up to 100 participants and lasts for 40 minutes. So, the "Meet and Greet" will end at 10:40 a.m. ET.
That's it folks! Have a great day!
Until Next Time,
I really enjoyed your blog post, Debbie. It was fun to go along with you on your daily adventures. I especially liked seeing the pictures of the Parade of Homes properties that you visited. What a great idea to have a Zoom meeting with your readers! I hope you get a good response. I'll email you, but I do plan to attend.
Thank you, Sharon, for being such a great supporter of me and my blog! The Parade of Homes is always lots of fun. Glad you enjoyed the pics.
Enjoyed all your adventures. You surely have some lovely places to see. Mostly I LOVED seeing that gorgeous cat. I'm not much on Halloween decorations, but loved all the other interesting things you did. Brother Wolf sounds like a great organization. Not sure I could handle it - I'd want to bring them all home with me. I'll try and make your Zoom meeting - not sure if my son will be here or not, so it's iffy with me.
Hi Iris:
I would love to have you join us on the Zoom. Go ahead and send me your email so I can send you the link just in case you are able to come. No worries if you can't!
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