My Blog is One Year Old! free clip art |

If someone had told me one year ago today, that I would be celebrating a one year anniversary of my very own blog in a year's time, I wouldn't have believed them. But, as of this Saturday, July 30th, this will be true. I will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Debbiethisandthat.
And here is the most exciting part of the blogiversary...... |
It's a great feeling to know that I made the right decision to start my blog. It's also a great feeling to know that, one year later, I still take great delight in the writing, the ideas, the learning that have come over the course of this year. But, this didn't come easily to me. I must have started creating a blog two or three times before I got my courage up to just do it that Thursday last year as I sat on my couch. I was pretty well convinced that my computer would explode or that I would somehow get in over my head with computer glitches that I couldn't figure out how to solve. in most cases where we fear the worst.....none of that ever happened.
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Drum roll please.........
1. Don't be afraid to try new things. And along those same lines.....
2. Don't expect perfection from the get go.
3. Learning is part of the fun!
4. Relax in front of the camera.
5. Get Mr.thisandthat to take pictures whenever possible!
6. Blogging can be a hobby and blogging can be a job, but either's a WHOLE lot of work!
7. Blogging opens doors to community and to friendships that are worth their weight in gold.
8. Bloggers are really KIND people! If you ask questions.....they will help you!
9. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
10. And.......if all else fails........get the cat to write your post for you!
I also owe a debt of gratitude to the bloggers who came before me. The folks who I have followed and enjoyed reading over the years. The folks who inspired me to become a blogger myself! Thanks to all of you! (You know who you are!!)
It seems like many of the life lessons from a year of blogging are lessons that can be applied in many aspects of life. How do I sum up the lessons in one sentence?
Sometimes, you've just gotta DO IT!
Have a great day, dear readers! And many thanks to you who have supported Debbiethisandthat from the beginning. Hope you'll leave a comment.
What has been your favorite post? What is a life lesson that you have learned? When have you tried or embraced something new?
Until Next Time,
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Congratulations on your year in blogging! I hope that I'll feel the same way about starting my blog when I hit the one year mark!
Where was your cover photo of the mountains taken?
Congratulations Debbie! Your lessons learned are something we can definitely apply in daily life. I'm new to your blog, but I enjoy how you mix it up with life and fashion, and faith. I take seriously the suggestion to give a new way a try, to be bold and just do it. I need to do this in my own life. Feeling a nudge, just need to look beyond the fear! I look forward to your coming year WI the blog!
Hi, I found you at Between the Lines, and the topic of what you're learning in your first year of blogging - well, it's near and dear to my heart (I'm a 1 and 1/2 year newbie blogger...when will that newbie, not quite there status end?). Anyway, wonderful thoughts and lessons - thanks for sharing them!
Congrats on your one year anniversary! I've enjoyed connecting this year!
Thank you, Pam! Good luck with your blog. It's amazing to be at the one year mark. Feels good!! My cover picture was taken in the Colorado Rockies. I don't live there, but we enjoy visiting there yearly.
Thank you, Karen, for your good wishes and for your support in reading and commenting on my blog! I enjoy our bloggy friendship so much! Prayer for you as you "feel the nudge" and make decisions. You will know when the time is right for giving a new way a try. Have a great day!
So glad you found me, Sandra! I visited your blog and enjoyed reading about you! Will visit more. Blogging is a great way to share our lives and faith journeys.
Hi Julie, Thanks for your good wishes and for your support and inspiration in blogging! I love your blog and look forward to a continued bloggy friendhsip!
Thanks again for linking up and being so supportive! Tweeted for you!
Congratulations, Debbie, on your one year blogging anniversary! It has been fun and inspiring as I have followed your blog. Best wishes as you move into your second year!
Thank you, Sharon, for being such a supportive friend....of my blog and everything else, as well!
Congratulations Debbie! I only recently found your blog and I enjoy your slice of life and your point of view. Thank you for being bold. Here's to your continued success! -Julie
Congrats. Sometimes we imagine the worst and worry ourselves out of good experiences.
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