Saturday Scriptures #28: Peace in Tough Times and Happy Times
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." (The Message-Selected verses from Romans Chapter 8)
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What a world we live in, you know? There is so much beauty and splendor at many places in our world while, at the same time, there is so much fear and war mongering and evil. It's a true dichotomy, this world we live in. Today, there are people experiencing their greatest joys while others are experiencing their deepest lows. Just this week in my own corner of the world, I have heard of people experiencing great happiness at becoming grandparents and celebrating birthdays and family gatherings, while I have also heard of people going through end of life cancer diagnosis and facing upcoming surgeries. It's a tough road to hoe sometimes, this life we live in this world. It's easy to get discouraged. And then, you turn on the TV and the news is even worse. You want to just throw up your hands and say, "What's the use?!"
Today's scripture is comforting to me, because it reminds me that God's Spirit is right here beside us helping us along. When we grow weary and don't even know how to pray, God in Jesus does our praying for us. Each sigh, each groan is turned into prayer and is present before God. And here's the best part....the scripture tells us that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. That's a promise for those who are experiencing their deepest lows as well as those who are experiencing their greatest joys.
In my daily devotional life, I often use the "Jesus Calling" series by Sarah Young. In today's devotion, Sarah writes the following thoughts that came to her from the Lord:
*"Come to me when you are weak and weary. Rest snugly in My everlasting arms. I do not despise your weakness, My child. Actually, it draws Me closer to you, because weakness stirs up My compassion-My yearning to help. Accept yourself in your weariness, knowing that I understand how difficult your journey has been."
These are beautiful words to hear at this time, in this world we live in. Whether your feet are weary today, or are dancing with joy.....may you know without a doubt that God's presence is with you, closer than your very breath.
*Brief excerpt taken from "Jesus Calling" August 12 devotional, written by Sarah Young, 2008 edition.
What a lovely uplifting post. I was feeling a bit depressed about a few things this morning and after praying about it I had a strong feeling that God would speak to me through your Saturday Scripture post today and he certainly has. I feel much more positive again now after reading it! Thanks Debbie!
We all experience the highs and the very lows. Jesus said in this world we would have trouble. Our great hope is knowing that He has overcome this world. He's already won! That is where I find comfort. I look around at the beauty surrounding me when I'm outside, and i always take time to thank God for giving us this evidence that He's right here with us!
We all experience moments of pure joy and others of utter helplessness. Either way, hang on to God's hand and He will guide you. At difficult times it can be hard to do but knowing He is always there to lend a hand and understands and has a plan for you is huge. Praise Him with singing and words of praise in the "up" moments and they will be a reminder of how awesome our God is.
This Saturday post really spoke to me, Debbie. It was just what I needed to hear. Thank you!
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