Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Scriptures:Supplying Our Needs

Trusting God In Challenging Times

cardinal in the bushes

Philippians 4:19 King James Version (KJV)

19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

The Lord will often bring scriptures to my mind at just the right moment when they are needed. They appear in my mind out of nowhere and give me strength and sustenance. A few weeks ago, during a challenging time, I was reminded of the above scripture from Philippians 4:19. It was exactly what I needed to "hear" in that moment and I received great comfort from being reminded that my needs were in God's hands, not my own hands. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it and He is always on the job! I don't have to fear that He won't be there for me. Ever. He. is. always. there. Period and full stop! The same Lord who watches over this beautiful cardinal I spotted in our backyard awhile ago, watches over me always. And over you, too, dear reader. Never doubt God's love for you!

male cardinal

May you feel God's love and presence in your life today!
*Photography by Debbie Ross


Anonymous said...

thank you. just what I needed to see and read this morning. my advent devotional had a cardinal on the cover with the words wait and hope. that is what I have had to do since 1-1. I fell and now I wait with a cast on my arm hoping for a good recovery of the fracture and good use of the arm and hand going forward. sleep has been a challenge and I have been reading scripture to get through the nights. thank you again for letting God use you as an instrument of comfort.

Sharon said...

Thank you for such an inspiring post, Debbie. Your words and photography are lovely.

Karen said...

Ahh...but it didn't come out of nowhere! God speaks when we are still enough to listen, and He knew you needed help in a challenging time. I had a big decision to make last week, and went straight to the Lord before bouncing it off of a friend. One of those times when you need to make the best choice. I had no intention of doing this without God, since when I do that, inevitably I mess up!! I believe the answer I received was directly from God, like you, it "came to me" because I was consciously listening. Thank you for sharing this. You are always encouraging, and inspire us to stay the course! The cardinal is beautiful, and yet another gift when you looked outside. So often, I'm most aware of God in nature!

Debbie Styles Life said...

Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments and thoughts. May we all feel God's presence with us this week and always!