Thursday, July 11, 2019

Backyard Philosophy

Musings From My Backyard

I've been taking walks outdoors sauntering around my woods and waxing philosophical with my musings. I thought I would share. We'll begin with this surprisingly good pic of the Lantana on my back porch. I surprised myself with getting the bokeh on this shot! Just goes to show that if you keep trying, you can eventually get it right!

I spied these toadstools out my door today and grabbed my camera to snap some photos. I have a "thing" for toadstools that dates back to when my Mom and I would watch the Smurfs on Saturday mornings. Just look at the detail on the stem of the toadstool on the left! How beautiful the stem is with the creamy white of the cap with brown in the center! I like looking for beauty in small things. Think of the small creatures who may take respite from the sun under the shade of these toadstools. 

This is the fern that ate Manhattan growing on my front porch! There are equally large ones on the other side of the front porch and on the back porch. These ferns have gone to town over the summer and are HUGE. This pic doesn't do it justice! Note to self to allow for more space between planters next summer so the Coleus in the side pots don't  get overwhelmed by the fern. Sometimes a little space is a good thing. 

We have had several trees fall in our woods during stormy and windy days. This one fell into the crook of another tree and got wedged saving the underbrush from getting crushed. It's a good thing to be able to give support when needed. 

This pile of large rocks may not look like much but my husband has been steadily finding them on our property and moving them to the front of the house where he will eventually be turning them into stone steps up to the house. It is hard work to move such heavy objects but he is determined! What looks chaotic can actually contain order

Thankfully, this little Leyland Cyprus tree seems to be recovering nicely after the baby bear cubs used it to climb on during their playtime. It pays to be able to bend without breaking. 

I was lucky enough to be able to catch the raindrops on this leaf. Into every life a little rain must fall. 

These ferns were not planted but just popped up on their own next to these huge boulders in our front yard. Not a very hospitable environment for plants but these ferns appear to be thriving! It's possible to bloom and grow even in poor circumstances. 

This spider web covers a large territory along the ground ivy and it sprinkled with raindrops. The delicate web strands are unharmed by the heavy droplets and the wind that accompanies the rain. Delicacy does not diminish strength. 

Our mountain stream now runs smoothly and gently never hinting at the raging waters which washed out portions of our driveway during a deluge a few weeks ago. The strength of water should never be underestimated. 

This gray fox paused for a moment during a foray through our backyard. I snapped this photo from inside the house. The fox looked my way warily, unsure of my intentions and listening carefully for every sound. It pays to be on alert in uncertain circumstances. 

And it's ok to leave if it doesn't feel right. 

My marigolds didn't like the front yard and were thin and spindly until I moved them to the backyard next to the porch. Now they are thriving and multiplying! It can take awhile to find your best place to thrive. 

I am blessed to live in such a place of beauty where, like the needles of the pine tree, there is the evergreen of nature throughout each season. The beauty of nature, unlike fashion, never goes out of style and never worries about trends. Each plant, creature and aspect of nature has its own style and is beautiful in its own right. May each of us copy nature's styling in our own lives. 

Our backyards can teach us much if we take the time to look and listen.

Until Next Time,


Linda said...

Just lovely. Love the pictures and musings.

They both go with your theme of keeping it simple.

Thank you.


Debbie Styles Life said...

Thank you, Linda. Hope you are well!

Clearissa said...

Your backyard is very pretty. Glad you found the perfect spot for your marigolds. And the waterfall is really pretty too. I'll bet the sound from it is very relaxing.

Sharon said...

Debbie, this is my favorite post of all time not just in your blog but in any blog I've ever read! I absolutely love how you combined nature and the beautiful photos of your yard with such wise reflections. Before I wrote my comment, I read your post a few times and enjoyed it each time. It is insightful, creative, and well-written.

Stacey said...

Debbie, I never realized that you live in such a natural place. That would be my dream to look out and see a waterfall stream and animals. We do have deer and lots of coyotes. They are both pretty elusive but we do see them. If I were you, I might not ever go in!

Debbie Styles Life said...

Thank you Clearissa, Sharon and Stacey for your very kind comments!!

Karen said...

I love how you connected the photos to thoughts. They are so appropriate. This is a great lesson on how to meditate on ideas when out in nature. I really enjoyed this!! In a world where we often just fly from one task to another without thinking, this shows how slowing down and really looking at what is around us can teach valuable lessons. I'm going to definitely be trying this.

Joy said...

Such very wise words, thanks, Debbie. Lovely.